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EliteHackers / Windows - Hacking & Tools / despre porturi Moderat de Ad_Infinitum, AntiKiler, Puscas_marin, kooze, r3v
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EliteHackers Helper

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 308
Pentru a putea avea acces la un computer trebuie ca respectivul computer sa aiba deschis un port. Tot ce faceti pe internet se realizeaza prin intermediul unui port, de aceea este important de stiut ce porturi sunt usor de accesat. Daca aspirati sa deveniti hackeri este necesar

sa cunoasteti totul despre porturi.


Mai departe am sa va prezint o lista de porturi si la ce sunt folosite:

Port 80 este portul folosit de HTTP (site-urile web)

Port 21 este folosit de Telnet

Port 23 este folosit de FTP

Port 139 este folosit de NetBios

Urmatoarele porturi sunt folosite de Troieni

port 25 - Ajan, Antigen

port 31 - Agent 31, Hackers Paradise, Masters Paradise

port 41 - DeepThroat

port 59 - DMSetup

port 79 - Firehotcker

port 80 - Executor, RingZero

port 99 - Hidden Port

port 110 - ProMail trojan

port 113 - Kazimas

port 119 - Happy 99

port 121 - JammerKillah

port 421 - TCP Wrappers

port 456 - Hackers Paradise

port 531 - Rasmin

port 555 - Ini-Killer, NeTAdmin, Phase Zero, Stealth Spy

port 666 - Attack FTP, Back Construction, Cain & Abel, Satanz Backdoor, ServeU, Shadow Phyre

port 911 - Dark Shadow

port 999 - DeepThroat, WinSatan

port 1001 - Silencer, WebEx

port 1024 - NetSpy

port 1042 - Bla

port 1045 - Rasmin

port 1090 - Xtreme

port 1170 - Psyber Stream Server, Streaming Audio trojan, Voice

port 1234 - Ultors Trojan

port 1243 - BackDoor-G, SubSeven, SubSeven Apocalypse

port 1245 - VooDoo Doll

port 1269 - Mavericks Matrix

port 1492 - FTP99CMP

port 1509 - Psyber Streaming Server

port 1600 - Shivka-Burka

port 1807 - SpySender

port 1981 - Shockrave

port 1999 - BackDoor

port 1999 - TransScout

port 2000 - TransScout

port 2001 - TransScout

port 2001 - Trojan Cow

port 2002 - TransScout

port 2003 - TransScout

port 2004 - TransScout

port 2005 - TransScout

port 2023 - Ripper

port 2115 - Bugs

port 2140 - Deep Throat, The Invasor

port 2155 - Illusion Mailer

port 2283 - HVL Rat5

port 2565 - Striker

port 2583 - WinCrash

port 2600 - Digital RootBeer

port 2801 - Phineas Phucker

port 3024 - WinCrash

port 3128 - RingZero

port 3129 - Masters Paradise

port 3150 - Deep Throat, The Invasor

port 3459 - Eclipse 2000

port 3700 - Portal of Doom

port 3791 - Eclypse

port 4321 - BoBo

port 4567 - File Nail

port 4590 - ICQTrojan

port 5000 - Bubbel, Back Door Setup, Sockets de Troie

port 5001 - Back Door Setup, Sockets de Troie

port 5011 - One of the Last Trojans (OOTLT)

port 5031 - NetMetro

port 5321 - Firehotcker

port 5400 - Blade Runner, Back Construction

port 5401 - Blade Runner, Back Construction

port 5402 - Blade Runner, Back Construction

port 5550 - Xtcp

port 5512 - Illusion Mailer

port 5555 - ServeMe

port 5556 - BO Facil

port 5557 - BO Facil

port 5569 - Robo-Hack

port 5742 - WinCrash

port 6400 - The Thing

port 6669 - Vampyre

port 6670 - DeepThroat

port 6771 - DeepThroat

port 6776 - BackDoor-G, SubSeven

port 6912 - Shit Heep (not port 69123!)

port 6939 - Indoctrination

port 6969 - GateCrasher, Priority, IRC 3

port 6970 - GateCrasher

port 7000 - Remote Grab, Kazimas

port 7789 - Back Door Setup, ICKiller

port 8080 - RingZero

port 9400 - InCommand

port 9872 - Portal of Doom

port 9873 - Portal of Doom

port 9874 - Portal of Doom

port 9875 - Portal of Doom

port 9876 - Cyber Attacker

port 9878 - TransScout

port 9989 - iNi-Killer

port 10101 - BrainSpy

port 10607 - Coma

port 11000 - Senna Spy

port 11223 - Progenic trojan

port 12076 - Gjamer

port 12223 - Hack 99 KeyLogger

port 12345 - GabanBus, NetBus, Pie Bill Gates, X-bill

port 12346 - GabanBus, NetBus, X-bill

port 12361 - Whack-a-mole

port 12362 - Whack-a-mole

port 12631 - WhackJob

port 13000 - Senna Spy

port 16969 - Priority

port 17300 - Kuang2 The Virus

port 20000 - Millennium

port 20001 - Millennium

port 20034 - NetBus 2 Pro

port 20203 - Logged

port 21544 - GirlFriend

port 22222 - Prosiak

port 23456 - Evil FTP, Ugly FTP, Whack Job

port 23476 - Donald Dick

port 23477 - Donald Dick

port 30029 - AOL Trojan

port 30100 - NetSphere

port 30101 - NetSphere

port 30102 - NetSphere

port 30303 - Sockets de Troi

port 30999 - Kuang2

port 31336 - Bo Whack

port 31337 - Baron Night, BO client, BO2, Bo Facil

port 31339 - NetSpy DK

port 31666 - BOWhack

port 31785 - Hack«a«Tack

port 31787 - Hack«a«Tack

port 31788 - Hack«a«Tack

port 31792 - Hack«a«Tack

port 33333 - Prosiak

port 33911 - Spirit 2001a

port 34324 - BigGluck, TN

port 40412 - The Spy

port 40421 - Agent 40421, Masters Paradise

port 40422 - Masters Paradise

port 40423 - Masters Paradise

port 40426 - Masters Paradise

port 50505 - Sockets de Troie

port 50766 - Fore, Schwindler

port 53001 - Remote Windows Shutdown

port 54320 - Back Orifice 2000

port 54321 - School Bus

port 60000 - Deep Throat

port 61466 - Telecommando

port 65000 - Devil


pus acum 17 ani
EliteHackers Silver

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 21
mda....folositoare chestia....si totusi cum se inchid unele porturi care nu sunt necesare ?

despre porturi totusi cum inchid unele porturi care sunt necesare


"ONLY GOD can JUDGE me!"

pus acum 17 ani
EliteHackers Helper

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 308
dak ai un firewall actualizat la zi il poti configura si sa blochezi porturile nenecesare

pus acum 17 ani
EliteHackers Silver

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 21
pai am zone alarm....si am umblat prin setarile lui dar nu am gasit nimik.....si din cate am auzit..cik zone alarm e tarisor...imi recomanzi altul mai bun?

despre porturi pai zone umblat prin setarile lui dar gasit din cate auzit..cik zone alarm recomanzi


"ONLY GOD can JUDGE me!"

pus acum 17 ani
Pagini: 1  

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