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EliteHackers Helper
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 308
Mape cu nipperts
air_fight2 alleyrush arena_v2 as_crazytank as_crazytank2 as_crazytank3 as_moria battlefield_rush battlefield_rush2 bhd_as bhd_convoy bhd_convoy2 bhd_cs bhd_de big_city big_city2 bighouse blackhawkd_v2 blackhawkdown blahhh blahhhh bridge building building_2 cafeteria car_fight cars_n_robots cart_attack cc_boathouse cc_club_breakin cc_junglebase cc_mission1 cc_mission2 cc_mission3 cc_mission4 cc_training cc_secret_base cherryclan_hq chicken_run chopper_attack climb clue_2b clue_3 crate_warehouse crazytank crazytank_x crazycar crazycar_v2 crowd cspaintball1 cspaintball2 cs_beck cs_madhouse cs_moria2 cs_nmgas cs_nmhotel cs_nmtag cs_randommansion cs_redwood cs_spooks cs_terrordrome cs_tiki darkhouse dark_forest dark_island days_inn de_audioarena de_baranayek de_cliffcabin de_cliffcastle de_crazytank de_cyberdyne de_darkmines de_farmrush de_greenville de_gwned de_lostcars de_muertechalet de_niroon de_nmcastle de_nmjungle1 de_nmjungle2 de_nmjungle3 de_nmramelle de_northwood de_plunder de_southwood de_tot de_vangogh de_westwood demo_derby_ka demolition_derby2 drop_in duhhh endor explosion! falling farmhouse_de flooded_de fun_zone gahhhhh gallery gas_station gijoehq_cs gijoehq_de gijoe_cars gibs_r_us glass hallofdeath hamsters helms_deep1 helms_deep2 helms_deep helms_deep_ag he_dodgeball2 he_glass he_oldgym hide_n_seek hide_n_seek2 huhhh isengard_battle jail_riot3 jp_cars jp_riverride jp_site_b ken_west ka_beams ka_monkeybars lakehouse laser_tron lasertron megacrazycar mid_air mos_eisley_beta motel nipperhouse nippers100 nm_spr oldhouse ow_cc ow_cc_crazytank ow_cc_even_owyer ow_cc_super_owy panic_room pistols3 playground3 playground_x rubber_sled sandstrike ship_fight shipwreck sniper_tower spr_cs supercrazycar2 supercrazycar supercrazytank swampcaves tarnhouse teleport teleports temple_of_doom tfc_nightmare thejungle the_ambush the_stairs the_stairs2 the_get_away2 the_get_away trench_hall tropical3 usp_ninjas wall western whaaa xmas_crazytank xmas_lodge xmas_nipperhouse x-mas_tree
toate acestea download here
pus acum 17 ani |
EliteHackers Helper
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 308
Cheat Project v0.3 2007-05-13 - Indetectable OpenGL Simplehack
Features BoxESP NameESP
Hentet 488 gange
Download Cheat Project v0.3 hack Click here
pus acum 17 ani |
EliteHackers Helper
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 308
CD-Disabler inseamna "Cheating-Death Disabler".
Pentru cei care nu stiu despre ce este vorba, CD-Disabler este un hack care inlocuieste clientul C-D (Cheating Death) si care ofera si un set standard de optiuni dorite de orice "codat" :
- AIM (tinta automata) valabil doar in momentul tragerii;
- Wallhack (vedere prin pereti a membrilor ambelor echipe, CT cu albastru si TERO cu rosu);
- AIMVec (desenarea directiei vectorilor de tintire a membrilor ambelor echipe)
- NoRecoil (eliminarea reculului armelor)
- NoFlash (eliminarea efectului de orbire generat de grenadele de tip Flash)
- NoSmoke (eliminarea efectului de ceata generat de grenadele fumigene de tip Smoke)
Folositi cu incredere CD-Disabler 4.33.4 pe toate serverele CS care folosesc sistemul Cheating-Death.
NOTA: Aveti grija sa nu incarcati impreuna CD-Disabler si clientul original C-D! Reamintesc ca CD-Disabler inlocuieste clientul C-D, oferind si optiunile descrise mai sus. Activarea acestor optiuni se face folosind tasta END (la fel ca si dezactivarea lor). CD-Disabler permite utilizarea in paralel a altor hack-uri care in mod normal ar fi fost detectate de catre sistemul Cheating-Death; in acest scop, algoritmul de incarcare este:
1) CD-Disabler;
2) hack-ul dorit (Metacheat, OGC Firebird, LTFX hook, Omega HookX, Matrix Hook, etc.)
3) Counter-Strike
Invalidati cu END optiunile oferite de CD-Disabler si activati celalalt cheat prin combinatia de taste corespunzatoare acestuia.
Succes si la mai multe frag-uri !
by Godfather PS:e bun ca trece de Hl-guard
pus acum 17 ani |
EliteHackers Helper
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 308
[ZEMA] v1.0 Public Lagt 2007-05-27 - Indetectable
OpenGL Simple ESP.
VAC, VAC2, HLGUARD and SoundCheck secure.
Features Simple ESP with Step(Sound) detection - see enemies through the whole map.
bi0la Public Edition A2007-05-27 - Indetectable
OpenGL Multihack
Features BoxESP BallESP SpriteESP NameESP DistanceESP WeaponESP SequenceESP HitESP LineESP EntityESP NoFlash NoSmoke XQZ Lambert GlowLambert Hudcolor Crosshair Speedhack Bunnyhop Time24 Date ThirdPerson WhiteWalls WireModels NightMode FullBright InfoBox (Many usefull Boxes) Winamp Features
GLCmdHack v1.07 2007-05-27 - Indetectable How to use: ----------- - Extract the package to a folder - Perhaps run 'CRC32 Changer.exe' and change the CRC32 - Run 'GLCmdHack.exe'. You will get a welcome message - Check for updates. Also check for the current offsets - Perhaps check your ini or cfg file to create settings - Click on the button 'Load' - Run a Hl1 based game (Counter-Strike prefered) - Set cvars via the hl console or the menu (Enable it first)
OpenGL Multihack
Features + Aimbot - Teamdetection - Radius of Fov - Aimheight - Model Z -Coord - Autoaim - Aimdraw - Aimkey + Wallhack - Standard - Only player + Teamesp - Boxesp - Nameesp + Noflash + Nosmoke + Whitewalls + Fullbright + Nightmode + Teamglow - Blue and Red - Green and Yellow + Futurmodels + Brightmodels + Translamb - Red - Green - Blue - Yellow + Transparency + Transmodel + Worldcolor - Red - Green - Blue - Yellow + Hudcolor - Red - Green - Blue - Yellow + Thirdperson + Wireframe + Wiremodels + Paintball + Speedhack - Speedvalue - Speedkey
Includes CRC32 Changer.
Toate 3 Download Here
IS super tari.... dak trece si de hl guard
pus acum 17 ani |
EliteHackers Helper
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 308
DO NOT USE ON VAC/VAC2 Securd Servers ViRtual OGC ReBorn Edition 1.01
Features: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-|Aimbot -|Aimthru -|AntiRecoil -|Prediction -|AutoShoot -|Awall -|FOV selection -|Hitbox selection -|ESP selection -|Smoke On/Off -|Flash On/Off -|OverviewRadar -|Zoom selection -|Themes -|Misc Load/Save/EXIT
How TO: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-|Copy anywhere ViRtual OGC -|Start ViRtual OGC -|Start Counter Strike 1.6/CZero/CS 1.5/HL -|Press Insert Key durring the game for open OGC Menu -|Have Fun!
Credits: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -|XtaszY -|Alex116 -|G-SS.net Team
pus acum 17 ani |
EliteHackers Bronze
Din: Slatina
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 30
ziceati ceva de scipt no-recoil ? aveti asa ceva?
_______________________________________ ][...::CS Player ...::][
pus acum 17 ani |
EliteHackers Helper
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 308
Deep3rd 2007-06-06 - Indetectable
OpenGL Hack
Features - Thirdperson (HL Chasecam) - Crosshair Fix - Zoom Fix - 4 Custom Crosshairs - translucent player-model - Custom Height and Zoom
Anti-VAC2 Measures: - ModuleHiding - PE-Header Erasing - String-Obfuscation - Very simple Polymorphism of few parts in Codesection DooNLooAD
IloveIt 2.3 2007-06-06 - Indetectable
OpenGL Hack
Features - AimBot - AutoShoot - ESP (FARESP) - Crosshair - Panickey & Load Settings (F12) DonLoaD
pus acum 17 ani |
EliteHackers Diamond
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 97
pus acum 16 ani |
New Member
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2
pus acum 14 ani |
New Member
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 2
pus acum 14 ani |
New Member
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 3
AIM FOR STEAM Usage: change settings in the *.ini start any hl1 mod start aimbot.exe wait for console msg connect to a server (you can connect to a server first) press del to open the menu use the arrow keys for navigation
Modificat de samudy (acum 14 ani)
pus acum 14 ani |
EliteHackers Gold
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 42
Normal ca au virusi, de ce ? Pentru ca : aceasta au fost / sunt facute in diferite programe gen : Visual Basic , C ++ , Pascal , Java etc. unele au virusi ex . trojan dar nu afecteaza sistemul inchideti firewall-ul sau antivirusul , sunt si programe care va dauneaza grav pc , uitati aici daca credeti ca o arhiva / folder etc. este virusta , o downloadati in PC dupa , intrati pe si ii dati browse si upload dupa acest site ii da auto-scan cu toate antivirusurile , unele antivirusi nu detecteaza alte da , altele diferte virusi , Eu prefer sa joc cs default config.cfg fara coade
_______________________________________ Nu te enerva , Ia sticla si bea
pus acum 14 ani |
EliteHackers Gold
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 57
eu joc cu coduri doar ca sa ma distrez lol ^^ !!!
thx pentru coduri.
pus acum 14 ani |